Personalized Fitness Programs

  • SHRED Beginner

    Based on your objectives, SHRED is a personalized fitness program of 6 weeks with different workouts every day. The program lives on a user-friendly platform called Truecoach which has demo videos for each exercise. Ease back into your fitness journey with this program.

  • SHRED Intermediate

    Based on your objectives, SHRED intermediate is a personalized fitness program of 6 weeks with different workouts every day. The program lives on a user-friendly platform called Truecoach which has demo videos for each exercise. Take your training to the next level with this program.

  • SHRED Advanced

    Based on your objectives, SHRED intermediate is a personalized fitness program of 6 weeks with different workouts every day. The program lives on a user-friendly platform called Truecoach which has demo videos for each exercise. Push your mental and physical limits with this advanced program.